
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2019


  1. Intrapersonal You're able to distinguish among your o wn feelings, build accurate mental models of yourself and draw on these models to make decisions about your life. People with strength in this intelligence are found in all walks of life. 2. Verbal/Linguistic You make sense of the world through language. You use words effectively when you are speaking and writing. Writers and editors have this intelligence. 3. Visual/Spatial You're able to perceive visual and spatial information. You create effective mental pictures. Architects, artists and engineers have this intelligence.


MY HEROÏNE This is my hero Magda, she is my mum, she likes going on vacation with our family, going camping and travel. She likes listening to music, she likes to play games with the whole family like UNO and whatching movies together, she works in two jobs as a waitress and kitchen assistant. My mom is strong, hard-worker, cheerful what they need and support them. Her solution is to show her children the effort she makes so that we can have what we want for our futures. She is my hero because she left her life since she was young and separated from her family just for having us.


BADGER CHARACTERISTICS • Smallish • Patriotic  • Protective • Passionate • Blunt • Aggressive SCIENTIFIC NAME : Taxidea taxus COLLECTIVE TERM:  A cete of badgers CAREERS & HOBBIES Engineer • Soldier • Reporter • Police Basketball • Gambling • Golfing • Hunting • Fishing • Debating CONFIDENCE PERSONIFIED Badgers are closely related to weasel personalities and share the same range as their cousins the skunks. What distinguishes badgers from their relatives is their extraordinary physical and emotional strength and tenacious approach to life's challenges. Good looking, small to medium sized individuals, they walk and talk as if they own the world and their powerfully built bodies and dominating personalities back down for none, even for the much larger personality of the lion. Badgers will confidently enter the territory of others and woe betide anyone who blocks their path. THE WILD BADGER A b...


MALUMA Maluma is a famous singer, he was born in Medellín, Colombia. He didn’t go to school because he didn’t have any money, his is a singer and dancer, he isn’t married, but he has a girlfriend he became famous because he is good singer, he received one awards, his dream is winning the Latin Grammies and living in a house and having a big family. I like Maluma because he is a strong, hardworking and cheerfull person, he had a difficult life.