
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2019


Comic Relief What is comic relief and why is it used in horror movies? Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, a scene or an ingenious dialogue in a serious job, often to relieve tension.


ALFRED HITCHCOCK. 1- What's his nickname? His nickname is "Hitch", The Master of Suspense.  2- What was his most famous horror film?  His most famoust horror film is Psicosis.  3- What was his main contribution to horror? His main contributions to the horror are the suspence films and horror films. 


We all have friends, I can say that friends are part of our life, a very important part because when we have friends like the ones I have, they make your life happy, there are friends that I have lost, but others that are always with me. I can't say that I am very popular, but I have enough friends, the truth is that I am a difficult person to understand and I have a hard time demonstrating what I feel and if I show it is because I love you, I met most of my friends in high school because they separated me from my primary school friends and I thought it was the worst, but when I met the ones I have now, I would not doubt who I really love. My friends make my day, when something is wrong, they do everything so that I am well. My friends are very different from me, but we have something in common, we complement each other. We spend every day together in class or at recess, With some friends we meet sometimes, but I also mean them, when we meet in the afternoon, when we have p...


My dream is to be a psychologist and I still want to be a psychologist but I also want to be an businesswoman, I will not do a diploma in Science because I will study something else that I like, but I will follow a path of psychoanalysis a nd  from there I can start doing my own therapies and I think it is possible because with effort, everything can be done. I want to be like my hero, who has the power to get out of everything bad and get what he wanted. My animal is the badger, he says that because of the kind of person I'm used to being an engineer, a policeman, a soldier, a reporter, but I think I can be something else. My intelligences  are intrapersonal  , linguistic, visual and spatial, it is what I need for the things I want to be.


The boy was in bed feeling  anguish  every time he was in that room .  He was sleeping when he suddenly heard some  shrieks , he left the room and then felt  terrifiet  to hear behind him a  diabolical  laugh, the  hopeless   boy rea lized that the paranormal man is approaching and he can't run.


My favorite horror movie is Sinister 2 The characters are a mother and her two children, some dead children who killed her family, a paranormal man, a helping man and the father of the two children. Courtney is the mother of the children, she is brave. Milo is the great son, he is a rather ambitious child. Dylan is the youngest son, he is the main protagonist of this movie. The officer is a man who helps the children of Courney, a man from the city who moved. Bughuul is a paranormal man, he is the protagonist of all sinister films, he is a man who has a paranormal face. The film is about a mother and her two sons that are  escaping of her husband, they're moving a to house far away of the city, is the house poltergeist.